The Bethlehem Icon Centre (BIC) is open to Christians of all backgrounds, both east and west, indeed to anyone attracted to look deeper into this mystical art, which came to birth in the Holy Land over 1,500 years ago.
Master iconography in 12 months with our course, featuring practical and theoretical tuition from basics to advanced techniques.
Join our 8-class iconography course and leave with a polished icon, mastering essential techniques along the way.
Join our intensive 7-day iconography course, 10 AM to 5 PM daily, and leave with a polished icon and essential skills.
Master iconography with private classes at our center and leave with an icon of your choice, customized to your skills.
Order any icon, blessed at Nativity Church. Most funds support students; a small portion supports our center.
Explore our center's diverse classes: painting, mosaic, and more! Find your creative passion and join us today!
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