Intensive Icon Course
If you would like to bring your own tools & materials, what you need to bring:
All those can be purchased from the Icon Centre itself. Hence, kindly let us know in advance if you intend to bring your own, so our stock is properly replenished.
- Pigments – Natural pigments
- BASIC PIGMENT SET (sold at the BIC for £12)
- Ivory Black
- Titanium White
- Raw Umber
- Red Ochre
- Yellow Ochre
- Avanna Ochre
- Terre Verte
- UltraMarine
- Vermillion (substitute if necessary)
- Havanne Ochre
- Caput Mortem
- Burnt Sienna
- + Brush Soap
- Pigments – Natural pigments
- Good quality watercolour brushes (good quality sable rather than synthetic if possible).
- For example: or
- Protective clothing – we will be preparing boards as well as painting, and this can be very messy and dusty. You may want to bring a face mask if dust is a problem for you.
- Ruler, compass, a set of drawing pencils.
- Notebook.
- An old cloth and an old brush for mixing the pigments.
- If you wish to oil gild your icon then you will need to bring a book of genuine transfer gold leaf (for those who wish to gild their icon – this cannot be bought from the Centre and you will need to bring your own supply. One book of extra thick gold leaf should be plenty) For example:
- If you wish to water gild your icon then you will need to bring a book of genuine gold loose leaf (for those who wish to gild their icon – this cannot be bought from the Centre and you will need to bring your own supply. One book of extra thick gold leaf should be plenty) For example:
We will supply mixing palettes, bottles for the egg solution and jars for water.
Resources for students and iconographers:
At the BIC, we encourage the use of only the very best tools and materials. These are not always easy to obtain and we have a small supply in our shop.
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